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Crystal Deva

Training & Attunement Certification Weekend

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Join us for the next

training in the fall!

Welcome to the training where we get to play with pretty rocks!

Experience a transformative weekend in the Crystal Deva Empowerments System Training & Attunement. This training offers an immersive, hands-on experience in attuning with the energies of crystals. You'll receive a powerful Crystal Deva Empowerments Attunement, (similar to receiving Reiki training attunements) that can enhance your relationship with crystals and stones. This is a beautiful empowerment attunement originally channeled by Peggy Jentoft and you'll be joining the lineage of this wonderful empowerment upon completion of the weekend. 


Who are the Crystal Deva?


"Crystal Deva are the consciousness of the crystals, the spirits, the minds and souls of the stones. They are individual spiritual, mental, and emotional aspects of each crystal or stone and the collective mind of each kind of stone. Crystal Deva are the over lighting essence and unified consciousness of all crystals and stones and all that pertains or relates to stones." --Peggy Jentoft, excerpt from the training manual 


There are actually 19 empowerments that you'll receive with the Crystal Deva Empowerments System attunement. They have many functions and uses that we'll cover such as: amplifying crystal energy, clearing energy, crystal repair, personalization, programming for specific functions, gem elixirs, meditation, grounding, mode setting, and much more. Receiving the empowerments system attunement is an activation that will open the gateway to the Crystal Deva, which can help you channel and use crystal energy more effectively.


In this retreat, you'll get to take a guided meditation journey to meet your Crystal Guides, and charge a Super 7 crystal point that you can continue to use after the training. You'll learn how to start using the energies of crystals for various purposes. You'll also get several lab practicums with a partner to try out your new skills. Upon completing the weekend training, you will receive an accredited certificate of completion which recognizes that you have achieved Levels 1-3 Certification, (Level 4 is Crystal Energy Healing Practitioner Level, see bottom of page). After practicing the minimum number of hours on your own, the certificate qualifies you to be able to attune others to the Crystal Deva Empowerments System. 

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Training Content

Learn. Play. explore.

The Accredited Certification Training Fees:


$150 per person 

+ Virginia sales tax and payment processing fees 


The Training Activities Include:


  • Opening Intention Ceremony

  • Crystal Deva Empowerments System Attunement (19 empowerments in one attunement)

  • Levels 1-3 of the Crystal Deva Empowerments System  

  • An Internationally Accredited Certificate of Completion certifying your ability to pass on the attunement

  • Guided Meditation Journey to Meet Your Crystal Deva Guides

  • Introduction to Crystal Energy Healing

  • Sacred Space: Creation, Importance, Clearing Energies 

  • Running Energy: How to Scan and Run Energy with Crystals 

  • Cleansing Crystals: What to Do After Using Crystals

  • How to Attune Others

  • A Super 7 Crystal point

  • Hard copy of the Crystal Deva Empowerments System Attunement Training Manual

  • Closing Gratitude Ceremony

  • Quiet break time for reflection and integration

  • Journaling activity

  • Lab Practicums to hone your skills

  • Tools for Guidance and Healing

  • Optional Oracle Readings

  • Lunch and Snacks Provided both days



The Benefits of this Unique Training

  • More Balanced Energy: Clear negative blockages and promote well-being through the different methods we'll cover.

  • Enhanced Awareness: Connect with your crystal guides, and deepen your understanding of their energies and how they can work with you.

  • Accredited Certification: Achieve Levels 1-3 Certification with a pathway to become a Crystal Energy Healing Practitioner.

  • Qualification to Pass on the Attunement to Others: Conferring with the certification is the authorization to pass this attunement system and attunement on to others for your own fees. 

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Training Logistics

casual. Fun. relaxed.


This training is being offered in the professional space above the D Hyde Therapeutic Massage and Crystal Store, in Fredericksburg, VA, making it convenient to all local and nearby crystals lovers! 



My events have a casual, friendly and relaxed vibe. This enables participants to be themselves, relax, and fully immerse into the learning experience while letting go of the outside world. Your presence and energy is what helps to create the safe, nurturing environment that makes any event so incredible for everyone. Your presence elevates all of us. 


Times & Dates

The training goes from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm, both Saturday and Sunday, The next training will be offered in the fall of 2024, dates TBA. 


Space in this Training

This retreat is limited to 6 participants due to spatial allowance and time. Bring a friend and please don't wait to register. 

If there are not enough people, which is important for the lab practicums, the training will be postponed to another future date.  


Snacks & Beverages

Some snacks will be be available to participants throughout the weekend. You are welcome to bring your little cooler of snacks and beverages, too.  



I encourage everyone to unplug from their digital devices, as there are so few occasions to do so in life anymore unless we create them. If you have an emergency need to keep your phone nearby, please let me know.

Your Guide Gretchen (aka Cellina)

Gretchen is a Registered Holistic Health Practitioner, Registered Metaphysician, Certified Energy Healing Practitioner, Certified Holistic Coach, Spiritual Guide, Registered & Accredited Holistic Trainer and Workshop provider. In addition to being certified as an Advanced Crystal Healing Practitioner, she is also certified in many holistic modalities so that she can offer tailored services to meet the unique needs of all her clients. Gretchen has dedicated over 25 years of her life to guiding people towards owning how amazing they are. ​Her approach to this work is all about empowerment and helping people to unlock their own potential, activate their spiritual gifts and Clair Senses, and create the vibrant, soul-centered life they deserve.


You can find out more about her story here.

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Crystals are powerful allies on our life journey. My fascination with "pretty rocks" started around the time I first began to walk and hasn't lessened as years have gone by. Now, at 52, I'm still being astounded and amazed  by the depth of healing and transformation I've received, as well as the inspirational support of the crystals and their matrices. In working with them, you too, can find support and loving guidance on your journey of self-discovery, growth, and healing. 


I can't wait to share this powerful empowerment system with you!

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Join the Training 

discover. attune. certify.

Registration for the fall event will open soon!

Crystal & Chakra Energy Healing Practitioner Training Coming Summer of 2024

If you would like to further your training and become a certified Crystal Energy Healing Practitioner, this training will be offered later in 2024 that can qualify you. People train with me for various reasons such as: to improve their knowledge of crystal healing and to use it with family and friends. Others go on to see clients for crystal healing as a side business, and some use it round our their existing business in the fields of wellness, yoga, therapy, sound healing, or other energy healing practices. Practitioner level certification requires attendance and completion of both retreats.

Feel free to let me know if you have any questions by sending me an email here.

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