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Crystal & Chakra
Energy Healing Practitioner Training


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How Can Crystal & Chakra Energy Healing Be Beneficial?

Crystal and chakra healing have become increasingly popular as holistic healing techniques. The basis of these healing practices lies in ancient beliefs about the energy centers in the body known as chakras. According to this philosophy, there are seven main chakras located along the spine that correspond to different aspects of our physical, emotional, and spiritual health. When these chakras become blocked or unbalanced, it can manifest in illness or discomfort on a physical or emotional level.


Our chakras are the conductors and filters of this energy and the information that we receive through the earth and the universe. Where these two energy fields converge they form a chakra. Each chakra supports the area of the body in which it’s located and balancing our chakras is like a type of housekeeping for our energy bodies.


The chakras funnel energy to our endocrine or glandular system which in turn feeds this energy into the organs of the body. We can look at the glands as the physical manifestation of the chakras and each chakra sends this energy to specific parts of our bodies. Whatever is affecting our bodies, e.g. emotions, pain, stress, etc., also affects our chakras. 

Aligning, balancing and clearing our chakras help our entire body and energy field. By utilizing crystals and their natural energetic composition and stable energy, we can enhance the process and bring about even deeper healing to ourselves and our clients. With this understanding we have an opportunity to work in relationship with our own inner healing power.

Crystals have their own energetic vibration that can rebalance the chakras and the energy field when placed on or around the body. Different crystals are used for different purposes and during a crystal healing session, a practitioner will assess the client's chakras, then place appropriate crystals on or around the body while the client relaxes. The crystals are said to absorb negative energy and channel healing light energy from the universe into the chakras, restoring balance.


Upon completion of your training, as you move forward working with your own clients and helping others, you'll discover how regular sessions can not only address immediate issues, but also promote overall wellness and spiritual growth. For those drawn to holistic and natural approaches to healing, this is a fun and exploratory training that can provide therapeutic, non-invasive ways to address mind-body-spirit health.


Why Train & Certify?

Crystal and chakra energy healing has gained in popularity in the last two decades. By training and certifying you’re shining more light onto your unique set of skills, and you can provide something amazing to your clients while earning income doing something you love.


Conferring with the certification is the authorization to provide crystal and chakra energy healing session services for others, for your own fees. 


Training and certifying can boost your confidence and provide you with the tools to help assist people in their healing journey. You’ll be able to provide a more tailored experience for each client, ensuring repeat customers.


You can develop enhanced awareness. By spending time in nature and being in connection with crystal energies  can connect with your crystal guides, and deepen your understanding of their energies and how they can work with you.


Learning and using these techniques will help support your own journey of self-healing & self-care. You can achieve more balanced energy for yourself and help guide others to do the same.  As you tend to your own healing needs you will be better able to serve your clients and the world at large.

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Join me for a unique training program that blends the wisdom of intuitive holistic healing methods, the restorative rhythms of nature, practical applicable techniques, lab practicums, and more, to provide an empowering and transformative training experience.


This is not your typical course where you spend all of your time indoors reading from a book or computer.  Instead, this is a hands-on, deep exploration of your intuition and latent talents, and using the wisdom of nature outdoors at different times throughout the training. Crystals come from the earth and it's instinctive (and just makes sense) to attune with their energies outdoors.  


Throughout the training, we'll explore the development of the conscious aspects of yourself that hold valuable wisdom and guidance. This takes a level of inner quiet that we need to cultivate in order to listen to our inner healer.  Trusting this guidance is paramount to increasing your abilities as a practitioner.

This 3-module certification course is a complete training. You will be able to see clients at the completion of the training as a certified Crystal & Chakra Energy Healing Practitioner, charging your own fees. However, I always encourage at least another    30 to 60 days of practice and seeing people for no fees. This minimum period of time should be embraced as the easing-in time when mistakes can be made and learned from, a time when your style of energy work can become better defined, and a time of increasing your confidence through much practicing of your skills. 


I also offer an advanced certification training called the Crystal Deva Training, which takes you to another level of profound awareness of yourself and 19 attunements that can activate and deepen your connection with the crystal deva. Information on this training can be found on the menu above or click here


training content

Learn. Play. explore.


The Chakra System

The Chakra System

The Subtle Bodies

How Energy Works in Our Energy System

Hand Energy

How to Use a Pendulum

Detecting & Assessing Chakra Imbalances with Pendulums

Chakra Balancing with Pendulum

Chakra Balancing/Clearing with Crystals

Chakra Balancing/Clearing with Visualization

Chakra Balancing/Clearing with Hands

Chakra Balancing/Clearing with Sound

Intro to the Chakra Healing Session with Humans

The Animal Chakra System

Intro to the Chakra Healing Session with Animals

Chakra Energy Healing Lab Practicum

"Chakras are important elements on your spiritual path, and understanding them will allow you to integrate your mind, body, and spirit in a better way."

Jessica Tracy

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The Crystal System

Lithotherapy: Energy Healing with Crystals & Stones

The Importance of Crystal Shapes

Master Crystals

Key Crystal Sets

Generators &  Crystal Amplifiers

How to Project Energy with Crystals

Healing Techniques Using Crystals

Understanding  Sacred Geometry & Crystal Grids

Crystal Grids for Clearing/Balancing Energy in Physical Spaces

How to Use Crystal Grids on the Human Body

How to Use Crystal Grids for Your Healing Session Space

How to Create Crystal Grids for Your Intentions

Common Crystals and their Basic Uses

Energy Healing Lab Practicum

"In a crystal, we have the clear evidence of the existence of a formative life principle, and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is none the less a living being."  

Nikola Tesla



The Healing Session 

Creating a Sacred Space for Healing Sessions

The Client Healing Assessment

The Client Energy Healing Session for Humans

The Client Energy Healing Session for Animals

Energy Healing Lab Practicums

Healing Grids for 11 Body Systems

Healing Grids for Common Ailments 

Healing Grids for the Emotional Body

Healing Grids for the Spiritual Body

Creating a Manifestation Grid

Creating a Grounding Grid

Creating a Clearing Karma Grid

Creating Your Own Crystal Grids

Graduation Ceremony

“A healer's power stems not from any special ability, but from maintaining the courage and awareness to embody and express the universal healing power that every human being naturally possesses.”
Eric Micha'el Leventhal



(Available at the end of the training online, unlimited access)

Read bonus material, watch course videos and listen to audios all on one place. 

Practical Business Information

Healers Insurance Information

Self Care for Healers

Metatron's Cube Ascension Grid

Ancestral Healing  Grid

Activating Clair Senses Grid

Archangel Connection Grid

Ascended Master Connection Grid

Energy Healing Mudras & Mantras

and more...

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training LOGISTICS


The Accredited Certification Practitioner Training Fees:

$400 per person 

+ Virginia Taxes and Credit Card Processing Fees

(A 3-month payment plan is available at $133 per month for 3 months + taxes and transaction fees)​

What You'll Get: 

  • The 3 Certification Training Modules that will train you to become a Crystal & Chakra Energy Healing Practitioner which includes:

The Chakra System

The Subtle Bodies

How Energy Works in Our Energy System

Hand Energy

How to Use a Pendulum

Detecting & Assessing Chakra Imbalances with Pendulums

Chakra Balancing with Pendulum

How to Project Energy with Crystals

Chakra Balancing/Clearing with Crystals

Chakra Balancing/Clearing with Visualization

Chakra Balancing/Clearing with Hands

Chakra Balancing/Clearing with Sound

The Chakra Healing Session with Humans

The Animal Chakra System

The Chakra Healing Session with Animals

Chakra Energy Healing Lab Practicum

Common Crystals and their Basic Uses

The Importance of Crystal Shapes

Master Crystals

Crystal Generators

Crystal Amplifiers

Key Crystal Sets

Healing Techniques Using Crystals

Understanding  Sacred Geometry & Crystal Grids

Crystal Grids for Clearing/Balancing Energy in Physical Spaces

How to Use Crystal Grids on the Human Body

How to Use Crystal Grids for Your Healing Session Space

How to Create Crystal Grids for Your Intentions

Energy Healing Lab Practicum

Creating a Sacred Space for Healing Sessions

The Client Healing Assessment

The Client Healing Session

Energy Healing Lab Practicums

Healing Grids for 11 Body Systems

Healing Grids for Common Ailments 

Healing Grids for the Emotional Body

Healing Grids for the Spiritual Body

Creating a Manifestation Grid

Creating a Grounding Grid

Creating a Clearing Karma Grid

Creating Your Own Crystal Grids

Graduation Ceremony with Certificate suitable for framing

Crystal & Chakra Energy Healing Practitioner Manual (printed and in digital format)

Plus you'll get break time to explore nature (a.k.a. the source home of crystals), experience powerful guided meditations, and much more. 

  • Accredited Practitioner Certificate & Graduation Ceremony 

  • Lifetime Access to the Online Healing Practitioner Library which provides more information and self-study

  • FREE Bonuses and more... 

Image by Frames For Your Heart
Image by Susanna Marsiglia


This training will take place at Wilder Grove Retreat, a beautiful private retreat nestled in the woods in the Hartwood area of Fredericksburg, VA.  


Our private meeting space is in the Serenity Cabin, a sweet modern cabin perfect for small groups and intensive energy work. We'll also have access to the nature trails that wind throughout the forest on Wilder Grove Retreat's beautiful land.


Directions to this lovely private retreat will be given to you once you register, closer to the first class date.


My events have a casual, friendly and relaxed vibe. This enables participants to be themselves, relax, and fully immerse into the learning experience while letting go of the outside world. Your presence and energy is what helps to create the safe, nurturing environment that makes any event so incredible for everyone. Your presence elevates all of us.


​Times & Dates

This training is divided up into 3 class intensives. There is about a month in between each class date in support of everyone's busy schedules, and to to give the participant enough time to practice the energy healing method before moving on to the next method. This provides time for the participant to work through their healing process as well as deepen their understanding of the energy healing methods they are learning. 

Class Intensive #1: August 17

Class Intensive #2: September 7

Class Intensive #3: October 5

The training goes from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm on all 3 class dates. You attendance is required at all 3 classes in order to complete the training. 


Space in this Training

This training is limited to 6 participants due to spatial allowance and time. Please don't wait to register. If there are not enough people, which is important for the lab practicums, the training will be postponed to another future date.


Snacks & Beverages

Some snacks will be be available to participants. You are welcome to bring your own little cooler of snacks and beverages, too. ​


Bring Your Lunch Meals

No meals will be provided. Please bring your prepared lunch in a personal cooler.  There is a small beverage fridge but there are no cooking or reheating appliances available in our meeting space.


I encourage everyone to unplug from their digital devices, as there are so few occasions to do so in life anymore unless we create them. If you have an emergency need to keep your phone nearby, please let me know.

Your Guide Gretchen (aka Cellina)

Gretchen is a Registered Holistic Health Practitioner, Registered Metaphysician, Certified Energy Healing Practitioner, Certified Holistic Coach, Spiritual Guide, Registered & Accredited Holistic Trainer and Workshop provider. In addition to being certified as an Advanced Crystal Healing Practitioner, she is also certified in many holistic modalities so that she can offer tailored services to meet the unique needs of all her clients. Gretchen has dedicated over 25 years of her life to guiding people towards owning how amazing they are. ​Her approach to this work is all about empowerment and helping people to unlock their own potential, activate their spiritual gifts and Clair Senses, and create the vibrant, soul-centered life they deserve.


You can find out more about her story here.

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Crystals are powerful allies on our life journey. My fascination with "pretty rocks" started around the time I first began to walk and hasn't lessened as years have gone by. Now, at 52, I'm still being astounded and amazed by the depth of healing and transformation I've received, as well as the inspirational support of the crystals and their matrices. In working with chakras and crystals, you too, can find support and loving guidance on your journey of self-discovery, growth, and healing. ​I can't wait to share this powerful training with you!

Space is limited to 6 for this specialized training.

Register below to claim your spot !

Training Fees & Payment Options:
Option #1-Payment in full
$400 (+ tax and credit card fees) in a one time payment. Fill out the registration form for this option. Save on transaction fees by making one payment.
Option #2--(3) payments
Or, you can do a payment plan of $133 per month for three months (+ tax and credit card fees). Please inquire HERE for this option BEFORE filling out the registration form. 
Cancellation Policy & Important Info: 
Should you need to cancel, you must cancel with at least 72 hours before the event start date to be eligible for any refund. There will be a $100 non-refundable administrative amount deducted from the ticket price. You will be refunded the balance of $300 (if training has been paid in full) within 7-14 days of cancellation of your retreat spot. (Processing fees and tax are not collected by me and are non-refundable.) 
If you are making monthly payments, you will be refunded the money you have already paid minus a $33 non-refundable administrative amount for each $133 payment installment made, within 7-14 days of cancellation of your retreat spot.. (Processing fees and tax are not collected by me and are non-refundable.) 

OR--Passing on Your Ticket:
If you need to cancel--you may also pass your training spot on to someone else. This way you can have them pay you without loss of money. Please use the contact form on the menu above (or email me here) and let me know your intention to cancel and submit the name of the person taking your place. If you do not follow these  instructions, I will not know of your cancellation and will not guarantee any refund.


Spots Available in this Retreat

This retreat is limited to 6 participants due to spatial allowance and time required for the training. Please don't wait to register.   

Event Cancellation: 
Should it be determined that weather or other unforeseen issues included, but not limited to: Acts of God, dangerous weather, power outages, illness, or if the venue or roads to the venue becomes inaccessible, or if not enough people register to have the training, and other situations beyond the control of the leader or venue owner, that prevents the training event from taking place on these scheduled dates, an alternate date will be offered for this training. 

People train with me for various reasons such as: to improve their knowledge of crystal and chakra healing and to use it with family and friends. Others go on to see clients for crystal healing as a side business, and some use it round our their existing business in the fields of wellness, yoga, therapy, sound healing, or they combine it with other energy healing practices. Practitioner level certification requires attendance and completion of both this and the Crystal Deva Training.

I hope you'll join us for a transformative experience!

Registration for the

Crystal & Chakra Energy Healing


Accredited Practitioner

Certification Training



Thank you very much for your registration. Please be sure to check your email for info and updates.

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