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Writer's pictureGretchen Comer (Cellina Rhiannon)

Spiritual Healing: Reestablishing a Connection to Divinity

Spiritual healing modalities are some of the most effective forms of alternative medicine because they focus on reestablishing a connection to Divinity, (God or Source). These alternative methods generally share a common foundational understanding: when we are disconnected from Divinity, we are disconnected from our wellbeing. Divinity can be understood as the source of our life force energy, and when we are separated from it, we can experience dis-ease. Spiritual healing is the experiential practice of harmonizing, balancing, and restoring ourselves back to a state of wholeness. A common view of the purpose of disease is that it’s a vehicle for our journey back to wholeness.

“Returning to wholeness is your permission to recover and discover your authentic self. To heal self-trust, deepen self-intimacy, and make confident decisions to create your most desired & cherished life.”1

Spiritual healing modalities are effective at helping us to return to our most authentic self. When we are connected to Divinity we are connected with our hearts and souls.

“The term ‘spiritual healing’ applies to a wide range of practices that are designed to heal the whole person by focusing specifically on the human spirit.”2

We use spiritual healing when we have become disconnected from Divinity and there are numerous ways in which healing can be achieved. We will explore spiritual healing through meditation, self-love, surrender, Reiki, sacred ceremony, time spent in nature, as well as angels and ascended masters. We will also look at ways to heal through the Akashic Records and by using Light Language. In order to understand how spiritual healing can help us to reconnect to Divinity, let us first look at how we lose connection.

When we are born, we enter this world full of light, connected with our spirit and spiritual wholeness. As children, the world provides us with both helpful and unhelpful lessons, and we learn about right and wrong, good and bad, competition, violence, shame, control, conformity, racism, and what’s accepted socially. How we absorb misinformation can create a disruption in our state of wholeness. We begin to disconnect from our whole self, we become fractured, separating from the truth of who we are. In our minds, we believe we are protecting ourselves from the pain of life. Many people believe there is something inherently wrong with them, and that the world is not a safe place. As a result, they seek external resources to cover up and numb out the pain of life, believing this will help. This creates more separation and pushes them further away from their desired state of wholeness and wellbeing.3

“Spiritual healing occurs as we begin to consciously reconnect with our essential being – the wise, loving, powerful, creative entity that we are at our core.”4

Unlike conventional healing, which tends to focus on just the area of the body expressing pain or discomfort, spiritual healing addresses the whole person by focusing on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects, also known as the Holistic Model. Spiritual healing employs this model to take a deeper look at the core disruption, rather than just looking at the symptoms. It takes every part of life into consideration. In addition to reducing and even alleviating common ailments, spiritual healing can help people let go of long-held habits, avoid unhealthy behaviors, reduce stress, calm the mind, connect the heart and soul, boost energy levels, elevate the spirit, and much more. Many are self-guided modalities which empower the individual to be in control of their wellness and wellbeing.

Origins of Spiritual Healing

Spiritual healing has been an important part of our understanding of wholeness stemming back to ancient eras. In 400 BC, Hippocrates described healing as a “natural process that leads to the restoration of wholeness, creating harmony in the body and soul.”5 Most ancient healing practitioners held similar ideas about the concepts of healing and believed it was not possible to heal the body separately from the mind and soul. The body was recognized as being just an outward form of the invisible spirit within each of us that are experiencing the imbalance. Plato addresses the issue of healing in Symposium, his philosophical text dated c. 385–370 BC. He discusses the concept of wholeness and wellness and the important roles of love and affinity in the doctor’s skillset. A physician “must be able to make the most hostile elements of the body friendly and loving to each other. It was by knowing how to create love and unanimity in these that established this science of ours.”6

In the late 19th century, a woman named Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky created a form of spiritualism known as modern Theosophy, which is an esoteric philosophy based on ancient religions and myths, particularly Buddhism and Hinduism. Among many spiritual topics she taught, including the Akashic Records, it was the concept that the mind can cure the body that was finally recognized, and that the mind’s role in regulating our health was essential.7

“The 19th century interest in spiritualism led to a greater understanding of our spiritual nature and thanks to the Spiritualist movement, spiritual healing became an accepted practice. The New Age movement which began in America in the late 20th century popularised the idea of healing, or energy balancing, once again.”8

Research in the 21st century confirms that there is a: direct correlation between spirituality and wellbeing. “Scientists discovered that higher levels of spirituality were associated with higher levels of well-being, e.g. positive affect, purpose in life, positive relations with others, personal growth, self-acceptance, environmental mastery, and autonomy.9

Shifting awareness away from symptomatic medicine, which focuses just on the symptoms, and instead focusing on clearing the root cause of the disruption, can enable rebalancing and healing to take place. We can then return to a natural state of wholeness.

For detailed information on Cellina's healing work, please go here.


1 Hey Doctor Rachel! Dr. Rachel Greenberg, Clinical Psychologist and Teacher,

2 What is Holistic/Spiritual Healing? Drs. Phillip & Jane Mountrose,

3 Bodhi Jeffreys, Return to Wholeness

4 Shakti Gawain

5 Omnes Healing, “History of Healing” by Patricia Bateman 6 Natural Library of Medicine, Spirituality and Well-Being: Theory, Science, and the Nature Connection, by Carol D. Ryff, published online 2021 Oct 21 7 Arnold Kalnitsky, The Theosophical Movement of the Nineteenth Century, March 12, 1987

6 Natural Library of Medicine, Spirituality and Well-Being: Theory, Science, and the Nature Connection, by Carol D. Ryff, published online 2021 Oct 21

7 Arnold Kalnitsky, The Theosophical Movement of the Nineteenth Century, March 12, 1987

8 Omnes Healing, “History of Healing” by Patricia Bateman

9 Natural Library of Medicine, Spirituality and Well-Being: Theory, Science, and the Nature Connection, by Carol D. Ryff, published online Oct 21,2021

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