internationally Accredited Training & Attunement Program

For women everywhere
the priestess within is waking.

The goddess is whispering in your ear...
Do you long to know your true Divine nature?
Remember how amazing and powerful you truly are.
Do you know the deep well of power inside you?
The goddess smiles and whispers...
Come. It is time to amplify your magnificence.
Awaken and activate the sacred priestess within you.
Come. It is time to fully embrace your Divinity.
Connect deeply with the wisdom of your heart and soul
Walk with me and upgrade your energy frequency.

and craft the life you were meant to live.

What is a priestess?
A priestess is a woman like you.
She is someone who knows deep in her heart that she is different from others.
She knows that she is meant for more in this life.
​Even if you don’t feel like a "priestess", but long to, it's synchronous that you are here.
You see...when a woman is empowered, she can become a woman who understands and owns her inner power, unafraid to wield it as an efficient tool to shape her life.
When a woman is empowered she begins to honor that she is a Dreamer, an Intuitive, a Creatrix. She is the sacred vessel of creation.
She can hone her heart in the forge of her soul, transmuting the heavy lead of her past into the pure gold of the soulful heart.
She is a gentle guide, a compassionate teacher and intuitive wayshower for others.
She can hear the call of the Divine Feminine from deep within her, for all women have this innate power, and trusts her soul guidance to create a fulfilling life.
Long has the knowledge of the priestess been buried; hidden under thousands of years of patriarchy. In ancient times, before most were persecuted and murdered for their beliefs and their knowledge suppressed, it was common for priestesses to be trained as teachers, leaders and guides in their communities. They mothered creative projects as well as children. They focused on learning many skills, both magical and profane, rather than hyper-focusing on just one skill, which is commonplace today, and their prowess in being multi-talented was celebrated and revered.
Today, modern day priestesses are rising up from the soil like life-giving plants. Often, women hear this inner call, or feel that there is something else out there, something perhaps missing in their lives; a gentle tugging at their souls. They are guided from the power within and the sleeping seeds of the forgotten priestess wisdom are waking.
The time is ripe for women to rise up as priestesses and honor the Divine Feminine within. Honoring this wisdom is essential to bringing more love and light into being.
Our energy vibrations ripple out affecting our inner matrix as well as our outer matrices in both our society and our planet. Priestesses bring balance to power. As guides, leaders, visionaries, healers and sages, we are connecting our silken cords of light and weaving them into the matrix of All That Is.

Beautiful Soul, it doesn't matter where you are at in life.
it doesn't matter what you look like, where you come from,
what you do for a living, or what things happened in your past.
if you feel called to explore the depths of your inner power,
if you would like to understand your Divine Feminine connection,
if you would like to walk the path of healing and sacred ceremony,
if you would like to certify in Energy Attunements,
if you would like to receive powerful Soul Code Activations,
if you feel called to rise up as an Empowered Woman,
Leader and Sage...
Hear the the voice of your Inner Priestess whispering:
NOW IS THE TIME! Rise up, dear soul-sister.
Claim the Divine Feminine knowledge and mysteries
that have always been your birthright.

amplify your magnificence ✬ awaken your inner power
5 Master Empowerment Attunements
5 Master Activation Attunements
10 Priestess Temple Activation Retreats with Cellina
3 Private Akashic Records Sessions with Cellina
9 Gateway Portal Crystals/Stones
1 Weekend In-Person Group Retreat
(see details in Policies and Pricing)
To make things simple, all of the training is online, from the comfort of your home or office, with exception to the Weekend Group Retreat and any meetings you choose to have in person with Cellina.

Once you complete this Priestess Training you will be part of the transmission lineage and authorized to charge money for the attunements when attuning others through your priestess work in: private sessions, classes, events, circles, retreats, groups, etc. How you end up applying this knowledge is totally up to you. ​
The possibilities are limitless!

Melissa Donovan - Florida
"She [Cellina] is always so excited to see me grow. She is incredibly encouraging, intuitive, and gifted at what she does."

Loola Mora - California
"She [Cellina] has helped me to feel whole again and to tap into my inner wisdom and love myself. She helped me heal and supported me so beautifully, I was able to open my Fairy wings again and continue spreading love and magic everywhere. I always feel safe, listened to, loved and inspired by her! I totally recommend her programs!"
Vesta - Virginia
"I needed to go within and figure out some of my own issues and wouldn’t have been able to do the work of connecting with myself on such a deep level without this program. I think that the work itself is timeless and the guide this program is can be of great value in just that. I experienced some deep growth from within. You have to be willing to dig deep to truly know yourself. This program helps to guide you in a gentle way. I would give it a great evaluation."
Aurora - Virginia
"I loved the program- it was very thought provoking and really made me look inside and define what I want my life to look like. I was able to glean so much insight into myself and what was holding me back. Things that I just never thought of before. I would absolutely recommend this program to others."
DW - Virginia
"I enjoyed it a great deal! Even though I have been practicing for some time, this program still gave me insights into myself and taught me things I did not know. It was all illuminating!"
Receive 10 attunements in all and get certified to attune others

Ascended Master Mary Magdalene Inner Temple Empowerment
Ascended Master Quan Yin Lotus Healing Fountain Empowerment
​Goddess Elen of the Ways Empowerment
Soul Stones Crystal Deva Empowerment
The Orb of Life Master Attunement
Goddess Hathor Self-Love Mastery Activation​
​Goddess Isis Radiance Healing Activation
Goddess Lakshmi Golden Fortune Activation​
Goddess Yemaya's Bequeathal Activation​
Goddess Athena Fearlessness Activation

Sacred Attunements & How to Attune Others
Divine Feminine Aspect
Ancient Goddesses
Protective Energy Shields
The Sacred Scream
Moon Mysteries
Emotional Freedom Techniques
Light Codes and Goddess Language
Energy Healing for Priestesses​​​
Power Animal Guides
Crystal Energy Grids
Spiral Soul Alchemy
Sacred Shadow Work
Wild Woman vs Wise Woman
Divination with Pendulums & Oracle Cards
Working with Spirit Guides
The 7 Chakra System & The Subtle Bodies
How to Craft Meaningful Bespoke Ceremonies
And much more!
Empower and Embody Your Priestess
The Priestess of the Spiral training also includes:

Come. Walk the spiral path with me
5 Master Empowerment Attunements
5 Master Activation Attunements
9 Months of In-Depth Priestess Training (Self-Paced)
9 Priestess Gateway Activation Meetings with Cellina
3 Private Akashic Records Sessions with Cellina
9 Gateway Portal Crystals/Stones
Live Monthly Group Retreats Online, in the Spiral Sanctum
1 Weekend In-Person Group Retreat (all-inclusive)
Choose from a monthly payment plan, a 4-payment plan,
or you can pay-in-full and save processing fees.
Training FEES: $1,000 (USD) for the entire program and accredited certificate.
Once you complete this Priestess Training you will be part of the transmission lineage and authorized to charge money for the attunements when attuning others through your priestess work in: private sessions, classes, events, circles, retreats, groups, etc. How you end up applying this knowledge is totally up to you. ​
The possibilities are limitless!